Our Insights

Sheep and Beef Equity Option

Real Solutions for the Rural Banking Inquiry

Submission to the Primary Production Select Committee Regarding Rural Bank Lending

Is Inflation Already Beaten?

Are Dairy Returns a Perfect Hedge for Inflation?

Southland Dairy Private Debt or Equity Opportunity

You are paying too much interest. Who is to blame?

Is Your Business Game Ready to Get the Best Rate It Deserves?

9 Things To Get Excited About This Year

With Bank Profits Falling, Be Very Wary of the 2024 Response.

Why Doesn’t Kiwibank Lend to NZ Farmers?

We Need to Have a Serious Chat About Foreign Direct Investment into New Zealand Agriculture

The ‘Gen X’s’ of the Agri Banking Sector Pass Down their Tips

The Agri Banking Sector Through the Eyes of a Young Professional

The NZAB Banking Dashboard: To June 2023

A Further Look at Agri Interest Rate Margins

Payout Pain: Focusing on what makes a difference!

Payout Pain: Get Proactive!

Farming The Farmers - Are Banks Using The Productive Sector to Subsidise Housing Loans?

Bridging The Gap:  How We Fund The Future

Stop Cutting Down the Wonderful NZ Tall Poppies

Don’t Get Sucked Into a “One Year Mindset”

Budgeting For FY 24 is a Bit Like “No Man’s Land”

The 2023 Dairy season. Where's the cash??

The Inflation and Interest Rate Clusterf…

Latest Edition: The NZAB Agri Bank Dashboard - December 2022

Learn to Spot Credit Cycles, or Suffer the Consequences

Big Mismatch in Agri Credit Availability and Demand is Stoking Credit Appetite

Farm Costs Can Go Down Too!

NZAB Welcomes New Partners

In Such Volatile Economic Times, What Represents a Good Payout?

The Results from the RBNZ Policies During Covid Are In – And We Shouldn’t Be Surprised.

Higher Rates are Yet to Bite Consumers

$100m Ain’t Going to Cut It

The NZAB Agri & Business Banking Dashboard

The 2022 Dairy season in Review: Where has all the money gone?

The Farming and Business Sectors Deserve RBNZ Action to Free Up Capital Further

Strange Forces are Clouding the Fixing Versus Floating Discussion

How Good is This Year’s Dairy Payout Really?

The Jaws of High Payout and Lowering Agri Debt Have Never Been So Wide

Our Growth Story Update

Farm Inflation – a Profit Killer or a Wonderful Opportunity?

Hope for the Best - and Plan for the Best

Bankers are from Venus, Farmers are from Mars, or is it The Other Way Around?

Farmers’ Growing Debt Repayment Habits Are Reaping Them a Lower Cost of Banking

Everything in Life Goes Back to the Basics

Latest Edition: The NZAB Agri Bank Dashboard January 2022

Reflections on 5 years in business. What have I learned?

When you’re fixing your interest rate - are you managing your own risk - or your banks’?

Squeeze the Credit Balloon Somewhere and It’ll Pop Out Somewhere Else

Real ideas to help the next generation into farming, whilst enhancing value for those exiting.

Our Investment in Growth Continues

Getting paid in the future means you have to live in the future

Here’s what to do with Fonterra’s Extra Billions: Invest in the Next Generation.

The NZAB Graduate Programme

Falling Agri Bad Loans Give Further Cause for Greater Bank Appetite

Latest Edition: The NZAB Agri Bank Dashboard

Transformational Change - What Your Farming Business Can Learn from Nintendo.

The Power of Confidence in a Non-Confident Sector

Beware the Impact of Chinese Whispers in the Credit Process

The NZAB Growth Story Continues

Trust: The Fertiliser for Outstanding Business Succession

If You’re Thinking About Succession, Start by Redefining It

Introducing The NZAB Agri Bank Dashboard

Bank Margins in Agri are Set to Get Very Interesting

Setting the milk price for your budget is not an exercise in picking the market

Changes in Agri Bank Market Share are Telling.

We're Thrilled to Announce Further Growth in our Canterbury Team

Where's the Balance?

A Wave of Cash is About to Transform the Agri Market

Is the Crowd Rush to Residential Property Investment Something That You’re Missing Out On While You’re Head Down on the Farm?

Green Shoots in Agri Banking Appetite Can Bring Big Savings.

Are You Sure?

Could Political Moves to Stamp Out a Runaway Housing Market Have Big Benefits to Agri?

We're Looking Forward to Helping More Farmers Across NZ - Welcome to our Two New Client Directors

The Power of Neutral Thinking - Critical When You Set Your Business Strategy

Start controlling your banking in 2021 with these keys to success.

Now is the Time to Revise – A Case Study in the Power of Re- Forecasting Your Budget.

“ESG” – a growing opportunity to protect and improve your bank margin

Thank You!

NZ Debt Growth Distribution Shocker - C’mon NZ Banks and RBNZ!

Hate the Game, Not the Player. Spare a Thought for the Frontline Banker.

Will the banks pass on the RBNZ’s cheap funding into the Agri market or are they going to keep fueling the housing market at the expense of the NZ productive sector?

Banking is trending towards deals that only fit in boxes. But when has an Agri finance arrangement ever fit into a box?

Holiday Spending, Bank Losses and Where is Agri Lending Appetite Heading to Next?

So you want a better interest rate?

Don't let others set your strategy - Get excited about it and own it!

Is it time the RBNZ went into bat for farmers?

The future of Agricultural finance. it’s all about rogue bees!

The World has Changed So Your Business Needs to As Well

The Game Might Have Changed but the Opportunities for Growth Haven’t

Updated Agri Bank market share data throws up some interesting insights

The folly of Bank SQ testing is leading farmers to bad investment decisions.

Don't just dump your budget with the bank!

Interest Rates: Are you getting what you deserve?

Are you taking action early enough?

What payout should we use next year?

The Banks need to be backing the best horse right now!

Coronavirus - Farm Finance Check

A timely and welcome OCR response

Dairy farmers firmly on the podium for fastest debt repayment!

Has your bank asked you for an updated valuation lately?